Design to Do

Design to Do

Design to Do featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Impressionist Treasures

For the first time, the Gallery turned the tables on the concept of attracting viewers to the Gallery, and instead, brought the Gallery to the viewers. Aside from generating memorable experiences by inviting passers-by to sit and immerse themselves in the painting, the experiential installation was designed to reach and entice new Gallery audiences to come see the original at the Gallery. The experiential installation was even equipped with three interactive iPad kiosks where visitors could play an Art Match quiz.

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Most companies from financial / bookkeeping industry communicate in an old-fashioned way: realistic photos of formally dressed corporate workers, that shake hands or sign contracts. The visual communication strategy chosen for AccountAnts is absolutely different from what you would normally expect from the above-mentioned organizations. In these social media posts, illustrations creatively present, "The Reason Why" start-ups and other small to medium companies should partner up with AccountAnts, featuring the strengths in an engaging manner.

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We Are Ecosystem

This corporate film was created as part of marketing communication for Minna Padi, one of well known Indonesia’s securities company, the video itself was released on YouTube and also appear on in-office displays in Minna Padi. The goal from the video is to showcase the Minna Padi business values, ethics, and the direction of the brand going in right now, through compelling, out of the box and inspiring visual storytelling movie.

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Christmas Carol

The Christmas Carol Set is a company gift designed to spread the joy of Christmas – where clients can interact and share the gift with others. We wanted to harness different perspectives and experiences to bring people together. For the older among us, the use of a mixtape evokes memories of a bygone cassette era while the younger generation get an intriguing retro item to discover.

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The Future Sees You

The Future Sees You presents the beauty of the optimism embraced by the young creative adult – the future thinkers, innovators, designers and artists of your world. A dynamic visual story, projected through 30 windows over 5 levels the eyes blaze through a vibrant spectrum of colour, and at times appear to be following the crowd as they look out with confidence into the night. Through these eyes they see the future, the thinker, innovator, designer and artist: tomorrow’s creatives who will change the world.

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Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross

Mitsubishi Motors changed its brand tagline from drive@earth to Drive your Ambition and unveiled a new model Eclipse Cross as the first release under this new tagline. The Eclipse Cross is a SUV featuring aggressive design symbolizing the tagline. A twist offering people a real experience of Eclipse Cross’ dynamism and presence through a visual perception is added to this brochure. We used a photographer whose area of expertise is to shoot motorsports and pursued reality with one shot. In addition, a QR code offers people a chance to watch short movies showing its strength.

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